“As an entrepreneur, I want to be working with my client. I leave ict to CloudConnected!”
Care for the retailer
Retailers are moving into a rapidly changing environment. Traditional sales channels make way for new concepts. One time successful, the other time much less. And in the meantime, the battle for the margin continues to exist. In this turbulent landscape, ICT retail solutions play an important role.
Shopping becomes experience
The function of the ‘traditional’ store changes. Customers want experience and search for added value on the store floor. CloudConnected’s ICT services such as Wi-Fi & Digital Window Displays allow you to add an extra dimension to the store experience.
Wifi in the Store
‘Internet everywhere’ as a service to consumers. This makes it easy to request product information via an App or consult shopping lists.
Accessible shopping
Customers want to shop 24×7, both offline and online. Availability and reliability are crucial.
Reliable payment traffic can no longer be seen from the store. Easy via contactless payment or mobile App.
Webshop on the shop floor
The entire range at your fingertips through iPads or internet tables on the shop floor. You don’t sell no.
Multiple locations
If your organization has multiple locations, they can be linked so that you can use the same services in all locations. You can think of telephony & internet solutions but also to Kassasystemen or Camera Surveillance. Of course in a safe way so that reliability & safety is guaranteed.
Shopping Hours Helpdesk
With the spacious shopping hours, it is important that you can always rely on an IT partner that supports you quickly & adequately in case of questions & failures. CloudConnected’s 24/7 Helpdesk always helps you get on your way again.
Online Workplace
We realize the everywhere & always access by using Office 365. Herein, you will approach your email, calendar, contacts & of course documents. If your organization works a lot with Projects and cooperates with external clients, this is also possible completely online. You can then easily collaborate on documents.